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Installing wood flooring

Found the perfect wooden floor? Then this easy-to-follow guide will help you lay your wooden floor in no time. Our click systems are designed in such a way that the floor can be installed very quickly and easily.

Download instructions (floating and glued-down)

Download instructions (Saltholm - herringbone)

Download instructions (water-resistant)

STEP 1: Click or glued-down installation?

You can install your wooden floor in two ways.

  • Click installation (floating installation)
  • Glued-down installation

The click installation method makes it easier to afterwards replace a damaged plank, without damaging the rest of the wood floor.
We advise you to always check the installation instructions for your floor before getting started.

man installing a grey hardwood floor on an underlay

STEP 2: Prepare the subfloor before installing your wooden floor

Your wood flooring must be installed on a solid, self-supporting wooden or cement based subfloor. Make sure to remove any other type of floor coverings. The quality of your subfloor really has a big influence on the final installation result. Therefore it is required that the subfloor needs to be flat, clean, firm and dry. Make sure to remove any loose parts like wood splinters, loose planks or tiles etc.

STEP 3: Choose your underlay or glue

For a floating installation it is always necessary to use an underlay. They are specially designed to offer excellent sound reduction, thermal resistance and levelling. The choice of a Pergo underlay will make sure the installation goes much smoother.

When choosing a glued-down installation, an underlay is not needed. We do recommend using Pergo Parquet Glue for the best result. The high-quality glue guarantees fast adhesion of your wooden floor.

Explore underlays for parquet

Find Pergo Parquet Glue

beige hardwood floor with an underlay underneath

STEP 4: Collect your tools

To install your Pergo wood floor, you don’t need expensive tools. Just a few common DIY tools (folding rule, pencil, hammer, handsaw or jigsaw, carpenters square and possible power drill and hand gloves) and the Pergo installation set containing a tapping block, pull bar and spacers.

Glued-down: additionally, you will need a B11 glue trowel together with a suitable wood flooring adhesive.

Explore Pergo installation tools

STEP 5: Install an underlay for your wooden floor

Unroll your Pergo underlay and lay it as close as possible to your wall. If you choose to install a floating floor you must lay the first section of underlay parallel to the length of the planks to be installed. Gradually add the next sections of underlay as you lay the wood planks. Use our Pergo adhesive tape to attach the rows together in order to make the installation damp-proof. Seal all joints and make sure you don’t leave any gaps (except when you have a wooden subfloor).

*Not needed for glued-down installation.

Explore underlays for parquet

STEP 6: Lay your wooden floor

The following instructions are applicable for both glued-down and floating installation:

  1. First, check how many full rows of planks you will need by dividing the width of the room by the width of a plank.
  2. Make a mark on the wall where you’ll be laying your last full plank. The last plank should be at least 4 cm wide for easy installation.
  3. Start with the first plank you will install in the corner of the room. Remove the click profile on both the long and the short side of the plank by sawing it off. Any side of a plank that is directly next to a wall, must have its click profile removed, in order to ensure the required expansion gap.
  4. We recommend the overlap/staggering between end joints to be about 1/3 of the plank length but never less than 30 cm.
  5. Click the first plank of the second row into the first plank of the first row and keep going like that. The easiest way to work is to sit on the already installed planks.
  6. Glued-down: In order to keep the installation area clean, we advise to spread the glue each time for 2 rows. Make sure not to apply more glue than can be covered with floor planks within 30 minutes. Spread the glue for these rows, followed by placing the wood planks. After finishing the first 2 rows, you can sit onto these rows to spread the glue for the next two rows. Pro Tip: If you face any tricky corners during your installation, it is recommended to prepare them first without glue to be sure that they fit perfectly.

STEP 7: Saw your wooden floor

To make sure that your wooden floor fits perfectly in your room, you will need to cut a few planks. When cutting the Pergo wood plank be sure you are not creating splinters or chipping when cutting. If using a handsaw keep the decorative surface faced up. If using a jigsaw keep decorative surface down (except for a jigsaw with down-stroke blades). Don’t forget to wear gloves and use a pencil to draw your cutting lines!

STEP 8: Finish in style and keep it watertight

For a nice finish of the floor, we recommend installing our Pergo matching skirtings, finishing profiles, or other fine details like Pipe covers.

Want a watertight finish?

Explore accessories for wooden floors

close up of grey wood skirting with watertight finish